- Smith And Wesson Model 14 Serial Numbers
- Smith And Wesson 14-2 Serial Numbers
- Smith And Wesson 14-3 Serial Numbers
- Smith And Wesson Model 14 Serial Numbers Chart
SMITH & WESSON MODEL 15-3 REVOLVER.38 S&W SPECIAL. The Smith And Wesson Model 15 Serial Numbers is not only a gathering spot for family and friends, but also a focal point in the home. If you intend to shop for one you’ll have forever, you. Today, Smith & Wesson is mostly known for revolvers and their growing line of M&P pistols. Despite the rapidly growing popularity of these polymer-framed striker fired semi-auto pistols, there’s also a lot of buzz around the former metal-framed S&W pistols that were discontinued a few years ago.
- 1972-1974 I keep this list in my computer to help out when buying guns online at auction. N Frame serial numbers ran from 1970 -1983. The guys at the Smith and Wesson forum are great and always ready to help out. Make sure to read the threads first, however before asking your question.
- Smith & Wesson Model 14-3 revolver, Serial Number K827674. 6 inch barrel.38 Special. Revolver is used in very good condition with some bluing wear at muzzle and few very light scratch.Click for more info.
- .Note that a number of N frames with serials in the S138000-S140000 range (and the range may be wider either way) are seen that were shipped much later than the serial would suggest should be the case. In one known example a gun with serial S136431 was not shipped until June of 1958.
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Smith & Wesson Forum Smith & Wesson Revolvers: S&W Revolvers: 1961 to 1980. Model 36 serial number lookup. Model 10 Yr of Mfg. The dash number would have changed on production frames in 1962 with changes 4 and 5. The only true way to know when the frame was made is a letter from S&W. The next best way to walk a thin line of legality is to use the serial number for dating. The Standard Catalog of Smith and Wesson is a good place to date serial numbers. Serial numbers for the.38 special Victory model began at about V1 in early 1942 and ran until VS811119 with a date of late August of 1945 (end of production). V1 to approximately V39,999 were predominately.38 S&W Caliber (I have observed revolvers in the 1-40000 range in.38 special caliber). Posted November 14 2012 - 10:00 PM The only.38 spl Smith and Wessons in that serial number range were produced in 1903 and 1904 as the Smith and Wesson.38spl Hand Ejector M&P. They look like Model 10's, and are very similar, but predate the Model 10 by over 50 years. If you post a pic of the gun, I should be able to tell what it is. I've acquired a Smith and Wesson Model 10 and would like to find out the date of manufacture or shipping date. I'd like to know how old it is. Not 'about' how old it is. It's a Model 10-5 and know that it was made sometime between 62 and 77 but I'd love to when exactly.
Smith And Wesson Model 10 Serial Number Lookup The Victory Model Smith and Wesson .38 Caliber Revolver The revolvers of the U.S. armed forces have always been under appreciated by collectors, the good news is that makes them relatively inexpensive to acquire, but this is changing. Smith Wesson Serial Number Lookup Model 10-8 If you happen to run across one for a good price, now would be a great time to snatch it up.
Smith Wesson Bodyguard Bodyguard 380 auto & .38 revolver. After Owning 3 GLOCKS,And The HK USP9 & USP COMPACT 40, 3 XD SPRINGFIELD ARMORY STRIKER, AND THE P320 SIG, ALL GREAT GUNS. AC.sslDomain = 'www.mcarbo.com'; In 2001, Tomkins sold the concern to Saf-T-Hammer, an Arizona-based safety and security company.
Serial Numbers:Serial numbers are located on the inside right grip, frame butt, Cylinder, extractor star, and bottom of grip. Many of the S & W Military & Police revolvers were captured and used by some of the police forces, such as the Austrian Police, during the occupation after World War II. 1975 - heavy barrel standard Despite the rapidly growing popularity of these polymer-framed striker fired semi-auto pistols, there’s also a lot of buzz around the former metal-framed S&W pistols that were discontinued a few years ago.
To keep things simple (relatively speaking, anyway) we didn’t include these and other obscure models in our chart. Exceptions What makes this complex system frustrating to follow is that there are multiple exceptions to the product “codes”. (i[r].q=i[r].q []).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),
[2] Both the blued and stainless models were popular with police and FBI, and a variation of the Model 65 was marketed in the Lady Smith line from 1992 to 1999. When I find out more I will let you know.
(4 inch common in .38 special, 5 inch common in 38/200 or .38 S&W)Sights: FixedFinish: Early sandblast blue, sandblast mid-night black (appears grayish black). The Victory Revolver was produced during World War II, it is a variation of the Military & Police Model of 1905, fourth change and had the following characteristics between 1942 and 1945: Barrel: 2, 4, 5, or 6 inch. The precise shipping date as 'lettered' can be several chiefs off depending on model. I have talked to many ex-military personnel that carried them as late as the 1980s, as you can see these pistols played a significant part of our history.
We use cookies to improve your experience on this website and so that ads you see online can be tailored to your online browsing interests.
If you ever decide to expand your list feel free to use the information I’ve gathered. In 1902, the .38 Military & Police (2nd Model) was introduced and featured substantial changes. Test fire the BODYGUARD® 38 revolver with your particular type and brand of ammunition and make any final adjustments necessary, making sure the revolver is unloaded prior to making any adjustments to the laser sight. script.type = 'text/javascript'; Prices on the used market for the so-called 1st, 2nd, and 3rd generation S&W pistols are still affordable, but have been rapidly rising over the past couple of years. At this time the G.H.D acceptance mark was moved from the butt to the left top strap with the property mark. } else { Example - Click Here, U.S. PROPERTY – The property mark was shortened to 'U.S.
J serial Prefix serial numbers. Crane and crane recess are also serial numbered to each other, but this is a different number then the revolvers serial number as is correct for Victory model revolvers. Late - Early S72, - S74,?
Along with cosmetic changes and replacement of the frame fitting grip with the Magna stocks, the spring-loaded hammer block safety gave way to a cam-actuated hammer block that rode in a channel in the side plate (Smith 1968).
StrkAliteN , Dec 3, Mar 30, Messages: Quincy MA.
Smith & Wesson Serial Number List . Navy marked pistols usually have none. The standard location for the serial number is above the trigger guard. Most Victory Models sent to Britain were fitted with 4-inch or 5-inch barrels, although a few early versions had 6-inch barrels. EXAMPLE – U.S. NAVY – Found on the revolvers left top strap as per the two Navy contracts. Fire a 3-round shot group and note the center of the shot group relative to the target aiming point.
Earlier models have them here s w. If you provide us with your serial number, those of us with a copy of the standard catalog of smith and wesson can look up the approximate date your. [2][5], The S&W M&P military revolvers produced from 1942 to 1944 had serial numbers with a 'V' prefix, and were known as the Smith & Wesson Victory Model. 1969 = ends at 786544 /*var utm_source = GetParameterValues('utm_source');
I have been researching revolvers online for a couple of months. Turn ON the Crimson Trace® Laser by pressing the activation button once.
It has been described as the most successful lookup of all dating, and the most popular centerfire revolver of the 20th Century.
$('#cartsync_mobile_menu').show().animate({'margin-left':'0'}, 'slow'); 8 Shot Shotgun. All you have to do is launch the software and run a scan. Pictures are always of great value in the process.
With this order, the Hand Ejector Model became known as the .38 Military and Police model. The aluminum alloy-framed 9mm pistol had an 8-shot single-stack magazine, a 4-inch barrel and a traditional double action/single action trigger with a slide-mounted safety/decocker, similar to what many people are familiar with from the Beretta 92 series. used by French cash couriers and banks, Disciplined Services of Hong Kong, Myanmar Police Force officers and other Burmese paramilitary units, Peruvian National Police and other police units.
For models 36, 37, 38, 49, 50 and pre model number versions. Recommended reading: US Handguns of WW II - The Secondary Pistols and Revolvers by Charles W. Pate Americas Right Arm - The S&W Military and Police Revolver by John Henwood Smith and Wesson 1857 - 1945 by Robert J. Neal and Roy G. Thanks for your quick reply. The video is slightly less specific about the Victory Model but is interesting. 1957 - stamping of model number at 125000
Amanda106 and firebug085: At the top of every subsection under Smith and Wesson Revolvers on the home page is a section is a sticky entitled 'To IDENTIFY Your Gun.'. Gun Site Map Listing of gun related pages. We need more info to give you a solid answer.
}; Model 686 Model 3 Safety Hammerless. Sep 23, Messages: Excellent post thank you!! [11], After World War II, Smith & Wesson returned to manufacturing the M&P series. 1975-1976 = J250001 - J370000 UNITED STATES PROPERTY – Found on left top strap to approximately V300000 and on the M&Ps pre Victory. try { The Smith & Wesson Model 10, previously known as the Smith & Wesson .38 Hand Ejector Model of 1899, the Smith & Wesson Military & Police or the Smith & Wesson Victory Model, is a K-frame revolver of worldwide popularity. They look like Model 10's, and are very similar, but predate the Model 10 by over 50 years. 1953 = 28916 If the 'S' in the serial number on the butt appears to be machine applied this would indicate it was produced with improved hammer block, and that it was not added later or it would have been hand stamped. The revolvers of the U.S. armed forces have always been under appreciated by collectors, the good news is that makes them relatively inexpensive to acquire, but this is changing. Gun Professionals: The War in Laos - http://www.rarecurrency.com/casper-dating-jennifer-lopez/ Wesson-at-Arms Osprey Publishing. Dec 2, Messages: Great decoder - thank you for the information. . The revolver: I have been pointed towards this disassembly which was on American Rifleman. (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r] function(){ They said it was made in Could it be that they screwed up when looking up the date? Each model series has a frame size and barrel length that is “standard” for that series, which we’ve listed on the chart. Share This Page Tweet.
What Are Some Ways to Find Your Smith and Wesson Serial Number? If you are uncertain, contact your ammunition supplier for verification. } This is not recommended for shared computers. County Discussions (Licensing Ranges and Laws), Welcome to Long Island Firearms, like most online communities you must register to view or post in our community, but don't worry this is a simple free process that requires minimal information for you to signup. Victory models have also been produced with out property marks, these revolvers were probably delivered by the U.S. Defense Supply Corporation (DSC) to defense contractors and public agencies that required them for guarding war sensitive materials. [9], As of 2012[update] the Model 10 was available only in a 4-inch barrel model, as was its stainless steel (Inox) counterpart, the Smith & Wesson Model 64. Standard Catalog of Military Firearms: The Collector's Price and Reference Guide. Smith and Wesson Serial Number Date of Manufacture J Frame Revolver Lookup }); }*/
Smith And Wesson Model 14 Serial Numbers
Smith And Wesson Pre Model 10 Serial Numbers
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Today, Smith & Wesson is mostly known for revolvers and their growing line of M&P pistols. Despite the rapidly growing popularity of these polymer-framed striker fired semi-auto pistols, there’s also a lot of buzz around the former metal-framed S&W pistols that were discontinued a few years ago.
Prices on the used market for the so-called 1st, 2nd, and 3rd generation S&W pistols are still affordable, but have been rapidly rising over the past couple of years. These pistols are usually tough, reliable, and excellent shooters. If you happen to run across one for a good price, now would be a great time to snatch it up.
The trouble with that plan is the absurdly confusing system that S&W used to assign the model numbers for these pistols. Today, their M&P pistols follow a pretty logical formula. I carry a M&P9c — a compact 9mm. Makes sense, right? Well, the 3rd Gen equivalent of that pistol is the 6904. But if it was made before the late 80’s, it would be the 2nd Gen version — the 469. And the single stack version would be the 3914, which is virtually identical to the 908. Confused yet?
Unless you’ve committed these models to memory, looking at the numbers stamped on the slide of an old S&W pistol in the case at a gun shop or an online ad doesn’t really tell you much. Even if you ask Google for some help, you might have to wade through a multi-page forum thread to get a straight answer.
Well, believe it or not, there is some logic to the old S&W numbering system, it’s just not particularly intuitive. So we whipped together this S&W semi-auto model number quick reference chart to make it a little easier for you the next time you misplace your S&W decoder ring.
Our chart covers most of the regular production models for the discontinued Smiths chambered in major service calibers. There are a few less common ones out there, but these are the pistols you’re most likely to run across today. Even with the chart, there might be a few confusing details about the numbering system, so keep reading for a little background info on each “generation” of S&W autos.
Smith And Wesson 14-2 Serial Numbers
1st Gen Pistols
Smith And Wesson Model 10 Serial Number C
Smith And Wesson 14-3 Serial Numbers
The first S&W semi-automatic chambered in a service caliber was the Model 39, which first saw the light of day in 1954. The aluminum alloy-framed 9mm pistol had an 8-shot single-stack magazine, a 4-inch barrel and a traditional double action/single action trigger with a slide-mounted safety/decocker, similar to what many people are familiar with from the Beretta 92 series. The Model 39 was developed as a potential replacement for the U.S. Army’s M1911A1. The Army declined to adopt the Model 39, but the pistol was a commercial success, and was even used by a few police departments as one of the very first semi-autos carried by American law enforcement.
In the early 1970s, S&W released a version of the 39 that used a double-stack 14-round magazine dubbed the Model 59. Together, the 39 and 59 are considered the “first generation” of S&W semi-autos. All of the following S&W 2nd and 3rd generation 9mm pistols are essentially derivatives of these two and in many cases, their model number provides some clue to that origin.
Smith And Wesson Model 10 Serial Number D
2nd Gen Pistols
In the late 1970s the S&W models 439 and 459 were released, which are considered the first of the second generation pistols. These were basically the 39 and 59 with a few small changes and the number “4” added to the begining of the model number. Steel framed versions of these pistols followed, available with either a stainless, blued, or nickel finish. Blued and nickel model numbers start with “5” (539, 559) and the stainless steel models start with “6” (639, 659).
In the mid 1980s, S&W released two alloy-framed compact versions of the 59 series; the 469 (blued or nickel finish) and 669 (stainless finish). Establishing the form factor that the third gen compacts would follow, these pistols had a 3.5-inch barrel and 12-round magazine.
Around this same time, S&W also began producing their first .45 ACP pistol — the model 645. This was a large frame, single stack pistol with an 8-round magazine, 5-inch barrel, and DA/SA with slide-mounted safety/decocker just like the 9mm pistols. There is one variant of the second gen .45 pistol — the single action only model 745, which was a special limited run intended for IPSC competition shooters.
I hope you caught all that because here’s where it gets complicated…
3rd Gen Pistols
The third generation of S&W pistols started hitting the market in the late 80s. They can be easily spotted by their four-digit model numbers. S&W continued the numbering trend they had started on the 9mm pistols — the 3900 series are full size and compact single stack pistols, the 5900 series are double stacks, and the 6900 series are compact double stacks.
Third gen pistols in other calibers are much easier to remember. The 4500 series is for .45 ACP, 4000 series for .40 S&W, and 1000 series for 10mm.
So, looking at the first two digits of a four-digit model number from a 3rd gen pistol, we can know the caliber, and if it’s a 9mm, we might also know the frame size. The rest of the info we’d need is in the second half of the model number.
The third digit indicates one of nine possible combinations of action type and frame size. Most S&W autos are DA/SA, but not all. Some are double action only (DAO), and a few were even made with a slide-mounted decocking lever and no external safety (similar to what you’d find on a Sig P220 series pistol). Each model series has a frame size and barrel length that is “standard” for that series, which we’ve listed on the chart. The third digit will tell you if a given model is the standard size, mid-size, or compact.
The final digit in the model number indicates the frame material and finish. Frames are either steel or aluminum alloy and the finish is either blued/black (sometimes with a nickel plating), or stainless/silver.
Smith And Wesson Model 14 Serial Numbers Chart
What makes this complex system frustrating to follow is that there are multiple exceptions to the product “codes”. Some are pretty easy to figure out like the “value” series pistols. These were budget versions of the third gen pistols that lack some of the finishing touches of the standard models and have a three-digit model number. The first two digits reflect the caliber (9, 40, or 45).

The Chief’s Special pistols are also easy to spot, like the one in the header image of this post. They are single stack, sub-compact variants with a “CS” pre-fix and they’re some of the most sought-after 3rd gen pistols on the used market. There’s one model each chambered in 9mm, .40 S&W, and .45ACP called the CS9, CS40, and CS45 respectively.
Besides these obvious exceptions, there are a few sneaky model numbers that look normal but don’t follow the numbering trends. For instance, the 6906 should really be the 6903 — a “6” for the final digit normally means stainless steel, but the 6906 is an alloy framed pistol with a silver stainless finish.
The compact .40 S&W pistols can also be confusing. Most are double stack, but a few single stack versions were made. The model 4040PD in particular breaks multiple model numbering “rules” and seems to have been given its name arbitrarily.
Letter suffixes are another detail to watch for. A couple of letters tacked to the end of the model name might mean something minor like a new finish, but they can also indicate major changes like the “TSW” (Tactical Smith & Wesson) series of pistols which indicate the addition of features like improved sights and accessory rails. Sometimes, the TSW pistols were built with a completely different frame size and barrel length than the standard model.
Some of the oddball model names come from pistols developed by S&W’s in-house custom shop, the Performance Center. To keep things simple (relatively speaking, anyway) we didn’t include these and other obscure models in our chart. If you want more detailed information on any of these models, I highly recommend picking up the Standard Catalog of Smith & Wesson which was a huge help in verifying the info for the chart.
Hopefully, the next time you’re trying to track down a deal on an old Smith, this info will help your search go a little quicker. If we’ve missed anything important, or if you spot any errors in the chart, let me know and I’ll try to correct it ASAP. If you guys like this one, be sure to tell us in the comments and maybe we’ll tackle S&W revolvers in the next one!