Open the Creative Cloud desktop app. (Select the icon in your Windows taskbar or the macOS menu bar.) Go to Apps Updates. Select the More actions icon in the upper right, and then select Check for updates. Once the app has checked for updates, you can install or update the app again. Fake trojans can also appear in applications you’ve downloaded from the internet. For example, if you clicked on a link that told you it was an update to Flash or a seemingly legitimate application that was hiding a fake trojan.
You've undoubtedly seen warnings like the one shown above on your Hackintosh before; every time you download anything from the internet, Mac OS X drops you this warning before you can open the file. Ostensibly, this is for your own security. However, if you don't need Mac OS X warning you about everything that you download, it's actually very to disable this 'feature'. This tip isn't Hackintosh-specific, so it'll work with real Macs too.How To Install Downloaded Application
Open the Terminal app (located in the Utilities folder of Applications) and enter the following command:
Oracle java se 6 runtime mac download. Modifying this control will update this page automatically. Search the user guide Clear Search Table of Contents. If the installer “Download Client” offers a Advanced or Custom option button, click it to find out if there is any other malicious software offered and installed during the installation process. Remove Apple Security Warning pop-up from Mac OSX. Scan with MalwareBytes Anti-Malware for Mac OSX MalwareBytes Anti-Malware for Mac OSX.
defaults write LSQuarantine -bool NO
Downloaded From Internet
This command turns off the hidden Mac OS X setting for these warnings. Once you're done, you need to restart Finder. You can do this by logging off. You can also restart Finder by using the 'Force Quit Applications' feature in Mac OS X, which can be opened with the keyboard shortcut Command+Option+Esc (known as Alt+Windows+Esc on Windows keyboards).Click to clear the Confirm open after download check box, and then click OK. In the Folder Options dialog box, click Close. Method 2: Modify the HKEYCLASSESROOTCLSIDEditFlags registry subkey. Use this method if the warning message affects multiple computers. To disable the warning. A warning pop-up box will be displayed and ask if you are sure that you want to go ahead of the task of opening the App. Click on the ‘Open‘ button to open the App. Option 3: Disable Gatekeeper security feature temporarily. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to disable Gatekeeper temporarily. Permanently disable the warning system If you’d like to disable the warning dialogs completely (for any files you download in the future), open Terminal and copy and paste this command.
To turn the warnings back on, just enter the same line of code in Terminal, but replace 'NO' with 'YES'.

xattr -d -r FolderPath
How To Disable Download Warning On Macbook Pro
Replace 'FolderPath' with the location of the folder where you want to turn off the warnings. For example, '/System/Library/Extensions' (without the quotation marks).

SOURCE: Macworld